“The Enchanted Kingdom: Elisa's Adventure” is a colourful fairy-tale world where huge dragons, wise magicians, kind monsters and pecu...
MythDefense LF v2.0.0.0(Full) Windows Phone Xap
Myth Defense: Light Forces" (free ver. is available!) has the best elements of tower defense games and also includes such original f...
[WP8 ONLY] Mini Dogfight v1.1.0.9 Windows Phone Xap
You were just admitted to the best flying school in the world, where all aces train and fly together. Will you become the best pilot in...
[WP8 ONLY] Draconic Magic v1.0.0.0 Windows Phone Xap
The evil Doom Corps has taken control of the magical land of Pitolothar, and you have been sucked into a war that you never intended to f...
[WP8 ONLY] Azkend 2 v1.2.1.0 Windows Phone Xap
Step aboard a fantastic adventure! Enjoy amazing match-three gameplay and discover some of the most astonishing worlds ever imagined. R...
[WP8 ONLY] Adventure Town v0.3.23.0 Windows Phone Game XAP
HEROES WANTED! Our once magnificent town has been destroyed by terrifying monsters and bone-chilling beasts! Please help us return our t...
[WP8 ONLY] Rail Rush v1.6.0.0 Windows Phone Game XAP (all phones)
• ABOUT THE GAME • Get ready for this epic adventure! Step into your cart and begin this exploring frenzy! Accelerate through these insan...
[WP8 ONLY] Real Steel v1.0.8.0 Windows Phone Game XAP
Champions aren't born. They're made. The ONLY official " Real Steel " game on App Store. A Smash Hit with over 6 Mi...
[WP8 ONLY] Real Racing 2 v1.1.0.0 (Ram 512) Windows Phone Game XAP (XBOX)
BURN RUBBER ON THE WINDOWS PHONE! • Test your racing prowess on a 16 car grid against highly skilled AI drivers – or battle it out agai...
[XBOX GAME] NBA JAM v1.1.0.0 Windows Phone Xap
BOOMSHAKALAKA!!!! Jam with your favorite stars from all 30 NBA teams in over-the-top, high-flying, 2-on-2 arcade basketball just like yo...